Thursday, November 10, 2005

I am only human...

There are times when I think that I am ready for whatever the world will throw against me but I was wrong. Just because you see me standing up doesn't mean I didn't weep inside. It has been the most common misconception by those who don't know me well enough. They think I am strong, that I am clever, that I am almost perfect. But who is? I know I am not and it is a big burden when people think that I am. When people wants to believe that I am.

When I saw the movie The Notebook, I know that this will be one of my favorite love stories. In fact this is the top one as of now. The girl here is far from perfect, she has her temper and childish. But despite it all, she was loved. A love that endures... that everlasting. I wish I could find something like that too. Someone who will also love me not because of my strengths but because of my whole self, my faults and all. Wouldn't it be so nice to be not afraid to be your self and say what is on your mind to someone you love without fearing that he will see you differently because of that?

At most, I just want to be understood, for someone not to expect me to always do the right thing. I am only human. I err, fall and stumble, and get my foot in my mouth too. God knows how I wish for someone to love and to love me back. It is just so hard knowing who that person is. When will I meet him... or did I already but just don't know?

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